Restructuring and Reimagining General Chemistry – Insights from UCLA’s Study

Restructuring and Reimagining General Chemistry – Insights from UCLA’s Study

Hey there budding chemists! 👩‍🔬👨‍🔬 As your friendly neighborhood chemistry tutor, I’ve stumbled upon some curious insights from Jennifer Casey at UCLA (J. Chem. Educ. 2023, 100, 8, 2860–2872) about the challenges and success factors in general chemistry courses. So, grab a cup of tea (or maybe a flask of H₂O if you’re feeling extra sciencey)…

Writing Effective Chemistry Tests: Tips from a 20-Year Veteran Tutor

Writing Effective Chemistry Tests: Tips from a 20-Year Veteran Tutor

Ah, the life of a chemistry instructor. From the outside, it may seem like it’s all about bubbling test tubes and magical reactions. However, any seasoned chemistry instructor knows the reality: a relentless balancing act between teaching, mentoring, university and community service, and, of course, research. One of the most daunting tasks for chemistry instructors…